Monday, 21 April 2014

40 days of cleansing - DAY 1

While everybody starts cleansing for Lent, this year I decided to cleanse post Easter. Been feeling a little sluggish and my clothes are starting to feel tight, so it is time to take action. Being the mother of a very active 14 months old boy is pretty consuming and I have let myself  go for the last few months. For the last year I have breast feeding my little baby, and taking advantage of that extra 500 calories intake a day. Now with only one session of breast feeding a day, I can no longer allow myself this extravagance.

I have decided to use this blog to keep myself motivated, stay on target, complain, pat myself on the back and to keep a record of what I eat. This is not going to be an easy task, as I tend to have a sweet tooth and love to bake.

I am trying to enroll hubby to the challenge but I still have to do some convincing. He will definitely benefit from it as I am cooking most evenings.

I did not sleep so well last night, probably due to a chocolate and sugar rush (needed to finish all those Easter chocolate so as to avoid any future temptation).

DAY 1 - Monday 21st of April

The sun is shining in San Francisco, even though it is a little chilly this morning. 

07:45am: we recently bought this cool juicer so I keep it on the island so that I make sure I use it . 
Homemade juice : carrot, kale, apple Granny Smith and fresh ginger
08:00 am : drop off little boy at the our nanny share
08:20am: arrival at work, drop my bag, time for coffee
08:30am: non fat latte from our very own and special barista Jasmine at the office, yes we have our own barista at the office and it is FREE. this is one of the coolest perk we have at work.
09:30am :   2 boiled eggs
10:15am: another latte , I usually have only one cup of coffee, but it is Monday and I need the extra boost!
01:30pm: I am hungry! time for LUNCH 
Half kale and mixed greens, lemon chicken, beets, cucumbers and edamame and lime vinaigrette all from Foccacia ( a nice sandwich/salad place close to work)
and one plain yogurt
07:45pm: time for DINNER - it is crockpot time . I made a Chicken stew based on this recipe and it was Delicious. The slow cooker is a busy mum best friend. 

So here we are - day 1 is almost over
